Asya lipezkaya

Freelance artist

Terms of service

BY TAKING A COMMISSION YOU ARE AGREEING TO MY TERMS OF SERVICEPlease read carefully!I have all the rights to refuse to work on your commission
✴I don't do refunds if commission is finished
✴Refund can take up to 8 months
✴If you don't have a character reference i charge +$50 for working from word description
✴Please understand that your character(s) will be drawn in my style
✴Private commissions are +100% of the price
Payment: 100% before I start to work, payment via Boosty.Payment plan is available for pieces from $150, i will finish the piece only after the full amount has been payed.What I will draw: Any gender, any type of anthro species; NSFW and
most fetishes are ok. Ask if you aren't sure.
Work process: I need a description in words or a reference of your character and pose/clothes/etc.
I start with a rough sketch and work from there, with your approval; I will provide you with WIP’s along the process; WIP updates can take 3-7 work days;
Any small changes are free. Multiple small changes (4 and more times) after the lineart was approved will be charged additional $5 per change.
Complicated changes (moving limbs, changing the image drastically) that would require re-drawing lineart that was approved previously, will be charged $30-$80 according to the changes needed.
If your character reference is somewhat inaccurate, be sure to tell me what changes will be needed, otherwise fixes not according to reference are charged. My own mistakes will be fixed for free.
Time of work: depending on the difficulty of your commission it can
be from 2 weeks to 3 months; Tell me if you have any kind of deadline;
I need at least 1 week for a tight deadline, 2 weeks for full render pieces.
Finalization: you will receive a link with your piece in high-resolution, you can repost it anywhere with the credit to me, you have all the rights for personal use. I retain the authorship of the piece.Last time updated: 11.01.2024

Contact & Links

** Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions!**
Lipezkaya on FurAffinity
hueasya on Discord

Price list and examples

**NOTE **
Alt versions, close ups, additional panels and the like are +$10-$80
Wings, other extra limbs and detailed armor/clothing are +$10-$50
All depending on the difficulty.
If you have a specific vision, provide me with as much detail as possible; if your character reference is somewhat inaccurate, be sure to tell what changes will be needed.

Please read ToS before commissioning me!


Lined, shaded, partially rendered, may add simple background.
More complicated background from $40, depending on the difficulty
$70 (85$ if below waist)
Extra character + 100%


Flat colors with simple shadingFront view
Front view + back view
Headshot - $30 (can be multiple)
Eyes, hands, wings, items, etc. - $20 per addition


Shaded chibi, design may be a little simplified
Extra character + 100%


Lineart, shading, detailed render.
Simple background included. (Sheets, abxtract, or something i see fitting)
Detailed background $50 - $100 depending on the difficulty
$120 ( $140 if below waist)
Extra character + 100%